Microplastics: a chemical perspective
November 18-20, 2024, Moscow

How to pay

Payment information

Payment procedure for participants from Russia

Payment of registration fees, hotel accommodation and other services can be made in the following ways:

– bank transfer (for legal entities),
– Internet payment through a secure system,
– by receipt (on request).

Payment must be made ONLY from your Personal Account.

How to pay:

Step 1: Select the services you want to pay for at the moment.
Payment for selected services can be made sequentially (for each service separately, at different times) or simultaneously.

Step 2: Select payment form.

1. Payment by bank transfer (for legal entities)

By clicking the “Account for legal entities” button, you proceed to the next stage of registration. In the new window, you must first enter the details of your organization (name, legal address and TIN), after which you can print an invoice for payment by bank transfer.

Original documents (original invoice and acceptance certificate for completed work) will be given to you at registration on the days of the event. To receive accounting documents, we ask you to have with you a power of attorney with the seal of the organization, issued in your name and signed by the head of the organization. Unreceived documents will be sent by mail after the end of the conference.

If you need an agreement for the services provided, please send your organization details as an attached file in text format by email. Do not forget to indicate the list of participants, the full name of the head of the organization, the document on the basis of which he signs the agreement and the list of services. A scan of the contract signed by us will be sent to you by email. You will receive the original upon registration or by mail.

2. Internet payment

By clicking the “Online payment” button, you will be redirected to the website of the AssistTM payment system, using a secure SSL connection.
Next, following the instructions that appear, you can pay for the services you have chosen using a bank card.
You will receive confirmation of payment and a cash receipt upon registration.
Please note: only VISA Classic, MasterCard and MIR cards are accepted for online payments.
Payment processing (including entering the card number) takes place on a secure page of a processing system that has passed international certification. Your confidential data (personal and banking) is not sent to the online store, and no one can obtain customer data.
When working with card data, an international information security standard is used – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which ensures secure processing of Bank card details and guarantees security for transactions through the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Verified by Visa, Secure Code protocols and closed banking networks with the highest degree of protection.

An electronic check will be sent to the email address you specified during registration after the payment has been made. The act and agreement when paying by Internet payment is issued to an individual upon request.


Payment procedure for participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan

Payment of registration fees, hotel accommodation and other services using a bank card (Internet payment) issued by a foreign (non-Russian) bank is impossible due to the fact that the International payment systems Visa and MasterCard announced the suspension of work in the Russian Federation.

Payment can only be made by bank transfer.

How to pay:

Step 1: Select the services you want to pay for at the moment.
Payment for selected services can be made sequentially (for each service separately, at different times) or simultaneously.

Step 2: Select the payment method “Bank transfer (natural person)”. A receipt with details will be generated in a new window. Next, you can make a transfer at your bank using the specified details.

We also provide additional information that may be needed when making a transfer:
Legal address ООО “Мономакс”: 197183, Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Сестрорецкая, д. 2, лит. А, пом. 11-Н
Currency transaction code – Код валютной операции: {VO20100}
Bank address: РФ, 119002, Москва, Смоленская-Сенная пл., 28

Important! When making a transfer, indicate the receipt (invoice) number. It will allow us to identify your payment upon receipt.


Payment procedure for participants from other countries

Payment of registration fees, hotel accommodation and other services using a bank card (Internet payment) issued by a foreign (non-Russian) bank is impossible due to the fact that the International payment systems Visa and MasterCard announced the suspension of work in the Russian Federation.

Payment can only be made by bank transfer or by cash upon arrival.

How to pay:

Step 1: Select the services you want to pay for at the moment.
Payment for selected services can be made sequentially (for each service separately, at different times) or simultaneously.

Step 2: Select the payment method “Bank transfer”. A receipt with details will be generated in a new window. Next, you can make a transfer at your bank using the specified details.

Important! When making a transfer, indicate the receipt (invoice) number. It will allow us to identify your payment upon receipt.


If you have any questions regarding payment of the registration fee, hotel accommodation and other services, please contact us:
Mob. +7 960 279 3177 (WhatsApp, Telegram)