Microplastics: a chemical perspective
November 18-20, 2024, Moscow

Abstract submission

Abstract submission

Researchers from scientific, research and educational institutions and industrial enterprises are invited to participate in the Minisymposium as key speakers. The Minisymposium will feature plenary, oral and poster presentations by participants.

The working languages of the Minisymposium are Russian and English.

Registration and submission of abstracts:

You can register and submit abstracts from your Personal Account.

Each participant of the Minisymposium has the right to present one report.

Submitted abstracts are not reviewed.

The Minisymposium Program Committee reserves the right to change the type of report presented.

Rules for abstract submission:

Abstracts must be formatted as follows:

File format — docx, page size — A4, orientation — portrait. Margins: top and bottom — 20 mm, left — 30 mm, right — 15 mm. The font in the entire document is Times New Roman, 12 point, single spacing for all text including paragraphs, the beginning of a new paragraph from left side is indented 1.25 cm (except for the header, which has no indents), the total size of the entire abstract file should not exceed 1 page.

In the header, the title of the work (12 pt, in bold, center-aligned), authors (12 pt, center-aligned), places of work of all authors and the e-mail of the speaker (12 pt, in italic, center-aligned) are given in order and on separate lines. The main text of the abstract begins with the line following the header (aligned in width). There should be no empty lines anywhere!

Throughout the entire text, a continuous space must be left between the last digit of the number and the designation of the unit of measurement (10 %, 20 wt. %, 30 °C, 298 K). It is recommended to use a dot as a decimal separator, and an en dash “–” for a minus sign and a range of numbers.

Mathematical formulas, notations and chemical reactions are typed using the “Formula” tool built into MS Word or Microsoft Equation, placed on separate lines (center aligned) and numbered (to the right in parentheses through tabs). The numbering is continuous and is given in the order of appearance, and only formulas (equations) that are referenced in the text are numbered. CS ChemDraw Pro should be used for drawing chemical schemes, applying the settings below:

1996. a) File – Apply Document Settings from – ACS Document 1996.CDS

1997. b) Drawing Settings – Line Width: 0.04 cm.

Figures and graphs are inserted in separate paragraphs (text wrapping “top and bottom”, distance 0 cm) and are accompanied by a caption at the bottom like “Fig. N. Title” (aligned to the center, do not put a dot at the end). Images must be clear and have a resolution of 300–600 ppi (both black and white and color are allowed). File formats – tiff, jpg or png.

Tables are inserted in separate paragraphs, they must be preceded by a title of the form “Table N. Title” (aligned to the left, there is no dot at the end). Do not tint table headings or use bold font. Individual table cells are highlighted with color only if it carries an important semantic load. You can reduce the font size to 11 pt.

Acknowledgments, grant support and other sources of funding are indicated in italics at the end of the abstract text in a separate paragraph before the list of references.

The list of references is given numbered in the order in which the work is mentioned in the text of the abstract and is formatted in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Abbreviations are used for journal titles (ISO 4). All sources in the text of the abstract must be referenced in the form of a number in square brackets “[1, 2]”.

Abstract template (pdf)